My2ndHeartBeat – Overview

I dedicate this site to my donor, BENNY KEITH WARD, who gave me the ultimate gift.

“My life is not defined by the scar on my chest. That scar is a living legacy to the hero that saved my life!!” – My2ndHeartBeat (DAP)

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”~ John Lennon


Freedom of Speech

The life of a heart transplant recipient.


 I also dedicate this site to the true heroes – The Doctors &
Nurses and medical techs that truly do make a difference.
Saving lives and not expecting anything in return. I will be
forever GRATEFUL

I belong to the following organizations ~



Mended Hearts


1st Amendment ~ Please note that this is a personal journalist effort by a heart transplant patient. Any reference to volunteering, other patients, medical practioners will be based on composites of of real and fictional people and may be antedotal in nature.

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5 Responses to My2ndHeartBeat – Overview

  1. Hey there. My family is going through the transplant journey for my dad. I’ve been looking for some type of support. Do you know of any active blogs/journals that might be helpful to read?

  2. Simply Me says:

    Hi there! I just nominated you for the Sunshine Award. It is given and passed on to “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”. You may read the details here:

  3. Janiece says:

    How can I become a part of TRIO?

  4. sophiesabina says:

    I love your blog, the reasoning behind starting one and your spirit! May you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🙂

  5. Karen Kapalko says:

    Pray for the donor & their families for special blessings… our family received a special blessing of a new heart !!

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